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Principal Investigator

Dr. C Murali Krishna

Dr. C Murali Krishna

Principal Investigator

Research Interests

"Evaluation of laser Raman spectroscopic methods in vivo/in situ applications, under clinical conditions, "


The lab is working on Evaluation of the efficacy of in vivo/in situ Raman spectroscopy for routine screening and diagnosis under clinical setting.

Developing Raman microspectroscopy for diagnosis / screening using cell smear and tissue microsections. It is also explore the complementary FTIR spectroscopy to further validate the findings of Raman spectroscopy as well as to gain better insight.

Ongoing Research Projects

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    in vivo Raman spectroscopy for clinical applications

    Oral Cancer

    Development of in vivo Laser Raman Spectroscopy Methods for Diagnosis of Oral Precancerous… more

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    Raman spectroscopy for clinical applications

    Oral Cancer

    Raman spectroscopy study for detection of Oral cancers using serum and exfoliated cells.… more

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    Conventional and Synchrotron FTIR studies

    Evaluation of efficacy of micro Raman and FTIR in discrimination of tissue type. The major aim is better underst… more

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    Coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) for biomedical applications

    To develop the coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopic methods for biomedical applications

Lab Members



Office Contact

Dr. C Murali Krishna

Chilakapati Lab Room No.03 & 04, Khanolkar Shodhika, Advance Centre for Treatment Research & Education in Cancer, Tata Memorial Centre, (ACTREC), Plot No. 1 & 2, Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai-410210. Maharashtra India.+91 (022) 2740 5000/ 6873 5000 Extn-5039
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